Basic information:
- Reference:
The nucleoporin Nup153 regulates embryonic stem cell pluripotency through gene silencing.
Jacinto FV, Benner C, Hetzer MW. Genes and Development 29:1224-1238 (2015).
- PUBMED ID link:
- Experiment in GEO/SRA:
ES-RNAseq-shCtrl [GSM1562339]
Converting SRA format into FASTQ format:
> fastq-dump -v -O raw_data raw_data/SRR1699465.sra
Read 35331381 spots for raw_data/SRR1699465.sra
Mapping the RNAseq sample into a SAM file:
> tophat -p 4 -g 1 -o map_files/SRR1699465 --library-type=fr-firststrand mm9/genome raw_data/SRR1699465.fastq
Input : 35331381
Mapped : 27910472 (79.0% of input)
79.0% overall read mapping rate.
Filtering unaligned reads and converting into BAM format:
> samtools view map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits.bam | grep "XS:A:+" > map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_plus0.sam
> samtools view map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits.bam | grep "XS:A:-" > map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_minus0.sam
> samtools view -H map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits.bam > map_files/SRR1699465/header.sam
> cat map_files/SRR1699465/header.sam map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_plus0.sam > map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_plus.sam
> cat map_files/SRR1699465/header.sam map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_minus0.sam > map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_minus.sam
> samtools view -b -o map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_plus.bam map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_plus.sam
> samtools view -b -o map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_minus.bam map_files/SRR1699465/accepted_hits_minus.sam