> bin/buildChIPprofile -h SeqCode_v1.0 User commands buildChIPprofile NAME buildChIPprofile - a program to generate genome-wide ChIPseq/ATACseq/RNAseq profiles for genome browser visualization. SYNOPSIS buildChIPprofile [-c <Rcolor>][-d][-l <bp>][-m][-p][-s <reads>][-w <bp>][-v][-x prefix][-h] <chrom_info> <SAM file> <name> OUTPUT One folder with one file: - BedGraph profile (compressed). OPTIONS -c : Track color (default: black). -d : Demo mode for small BAM files (min number reads control off). -l : Avg. fragment size (default: 150). -m : Invert the score of BedGraph records. -p : Using pair-end reads mapped in proper pair (default: single-end). -s : Number of spike-in reads for reference-adjusted normalization. -w : Window resolution (default: 100). -v : Verbose. Display info messages. -x : Prefix for the output folder. -h : Show this help. SEE ALSO SeqCode homepage: http://ldicrocelab.crg.es GitHub source code: https://github.com/eblancoga/seqcode AUTHORS Written by Enrique Blanco. SeqCode_v1.0 User commands buildChIPprofile
> bin/buildChIPprofile -v ChromInfo.txt SRR1015741.bam H3K4me3
> bin/buildChIPprofile -v -w 10 ChromInfo.txt SRR1015741.bam H3K4me3_w10
> bin/buildChIPprofile -v ChromInfo.txt SRR1699465/accepted_hits_plus.bam RNAseq+ > bin/buildChIPprofile -mv ChromInfo.txt SRR1699465/accepted_hits_minus.bam RNAseq-