> bin/genomeDistribution -h SeqCode_v1.0 User commands genomeDistribution NAME genomeDistribution - a program to examine the distribution of peaks within distinct genomic features. SYNOPSIS genomeDistribution [-1/7][-d][-g ][-p 1234][-q 12][-s ][-w ][-v][-x prefix][-h] OUTPUT One folder with 3 files: - Peaks associated to genomic regions - R script commands - Graphical representation (R is required). OPTIONS -1 : Color 1, Distal/Promoter (default: coral). -2 : Color 2, Proximal/Intragenic (default: darkred). -3 : Color 3, 5'UTR/Intergenic (default: burlywood). -4 : Color 4, 3'UTR (default: orchid). -5 : Color 5, CDS (default: chartreuse3). -6 : Color 6, Introns (default: gold). -7 : Color 7, Intergenic (default: corflowerblue). -d : Detailed analysis with introns/exons/promoters. -g : Gradient palette from Color1 to white. -p : Viridis palettes (1=viridis|2=magma|3=plasma|4=inferno). -q : ColorBrewer palettes (1=accent|2=paired). -s : Simplified with genic/intragenic/intergenic (X bp around TSS). -w : Window resolution (default: 100). -v : Verbose. Display info messages. -x : Prefix for the output folder. -h : Show this help. SEE ALSO SeqCode homepage: http://ldicrocelab.crg.es GitHub source code: https://github.com/eblancoga/seqcode AUTHORS Written by Enrique Blanco. SeqCode_v1.0 User commands genomeDistribution
> bin/genomeDistribution -vd ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_detail
> bin/genomeDistribution -vdq 1 ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_accent
> bin/genomeDistribution -vdq 2 ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_paired
> bin/genomeDistribution -vdp 1 ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_viridis
> bin/genomeDistribution -vdp 2 ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_magma
> bin/genomeDistribution -vdp 3 ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_plasma
> bin/genomeDistribution -vdp 4 ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_inferno
> bin/genomeDistribution -vd -1 darkred -2 darkorange -3 yellow -4 darkgreen -5 darkblue -6 magenta -7 violet ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_customized
> bin/genomeDistribution -vd -g -1 darkred $MOUSE9/ChromInfo.txt $MOUSE9/refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_gradient
> bin/genomeDistribution -vs 2500 -1 darkblue -2 grey -3 white ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_simplified
> bin/genomeDistribution -v ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt H3K4me3_peaks.bed H3K4me3_basic