SeqCode: processmacs

General description

Processing and cleaning the BedGraphs generated by the MACS software.

> bin/processmacs -h

SeqCode_v1.0						User commands						processmacs

	processmacs - a program to clean MACS BedGraph profiles.

	processmacs [-c][-v][-h]
	<chrom_info> <bedgraph.gzip> <output name> <track name>

	BedGraph processed profile.

	-c : Compact averaged BedGraph profile.
	-v : Verbose. Display info messages.
	-h : Show this help.

	SeqCode homepage:
	GitHub source code:

	Written by Enrique Blanco.

SeqCode_v1.0						User commands						processmacs


Example 1. Working with the output of MACS in the UCSC genome browser.

Before, let us assume that we have run MACS to find the peaks of one sample, using a second sample as a control:

> macs14 -t H2AUb1_Pombo.bam -c ControlIP_Pombo.bam -g mm -n H2AUb1_Pombo -B -S --nomodel --shiftsize 75
MACS, after running the previous command, has generated the BedGraph profile of the ChIPseq experiment:

However, when we upload this profile in UCSC (mm9), we realize that something is wrong:

We run SeqCode for processing and cleaning this BedGraph file in mm9:

> bin/processmacs -v ChromInfo.txt H2AUb1_Pombo_treat_afterfiting_all.bdg.gz H2AUb1_Pombo_nocompact.bdg H2AUb1_Pombo
The new profile generated by SeqCode is correctly uploaded into the UCSC genome browser interface:

Example 2. Generating compact profiles that require a lower amount of space.

Now, we run SeqCode for processing and cleaning this BedGraph file in mm9 using the option -c:

> bin/processmacs -cv ChromInfo.txt H2AUb1_Pombo_treat_afterfiting_all.bdg.gz H2AUb1_Pombo.bdg H2AUb1_Pombo
When comparing to the previous profile, we see the performance of the reduction operation in the file size:

The profile generated by SeqCode is correctly uploaded into the UCSC genome browser interface:

ChIPseq and RNAseq samples

Please, follow the link below for further information on how to get and preprocess the raw data of published ChIPseq and RNAseq samples utilized in this glossary of SeqCode functions.