> bin/scorePhastCons -h SeqCode_v1.0 User commands scorePhastCons NAME scorePhastCons - a program to score genomic regions with PhastCons conservation values. SYNOPSIS scorePhastCons [-t <0-1>][-w <bp>][-v][-x prefix][-h] <chrom_info> <refGene.txt> <PhastCons folder> <peaks.bed> <name> OUTPUT One folder with 1 file: - List of peaks + scores of PhastCons. OPTIONS -t : Threshold to filter out predictions with PhastCons (default: 0). -w : Window resolution (default: 10). -v : Verbose. Display info messages. -x : Prefix for the output folder. -h : Show this help. SEE ALSO SeqCode homepage: http://ldicrocelab.crg.es GitHub source code: https://github.com/eblancoga/seqcode AUTHORS Written by Enrique Blanco. SeqCode_v1.0 User commands scorePhastCons
> bin/scorePhastCons -v ChromInfo.txt refGene.txt phastCons30way_mm9 regions.bed regionsUCSC genome browser screenshot to highlight the fragments that present at least 85% of conservation.